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  • 微型喇叭固定支架

    • Compact, transportable, multifunctional transducer measurement platform

    • For Micro-Speaker, Headphones, Tweeter and any transducer up to 100 g

    • Solid but adjustable mounting of laser displacement sensors and measurement microphones

    • Different DUT clamping options available

    • Can be easily modified to own applications, many additional mounting threads are present

    • Can be used with a wide range of laser sensors, optimized for KEYENCE LK-H052

    • Horizontal laser measurement position on the DUT can be continuously accurately positioned by manual linear adjustment.

    • Vertical laser measurement position on the DUT can be continuously positioned on the laser mounting slider

    • Distance between DUT and laser sensor can be continuously accurately adjusted by available Translation Stage with micrometer or in 10 mm steps

    • Can be modified to a Vacuum Stand to fix loudspeakers during measurement and adjust its height close to the glass cover of the vacuum chamber

    • Can be used to fix loudspeakers at the SCN turntable during Scanning Vibrometer measurements or other RnD measurement tasks

    To ensure reliable measurements of small transducers, a firm clamping of the test object and the sensors is required. The Micro-Speaker Clamping provides a comfortable mounting of micro-speakers, headphone drivers and tweeters as well as tools for microphone and laser mounting and calibration. A part of the Micro-Speaker Clamping can also be used as a Vacuum Stand to clamp small transducers inside the Vacuum Chamber for measurements while the effect of air is eliminated.



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